Winning Business Through Collaboration

Co-operative Development Scotland (part of Scottish Enterprise) can provide funding and expertise to help SMEs form a co-operative consortium company for joint tendering – and it can be done in less than 3 days!

Many SMEs cannot bid for larger public sector tenders because they lack capacity or geographic coverage. Collaborating with others for a joint bid sounds like a simple solution, so why aren’t more small businesses doing this?

Please help us understand some of the barriers that are preventing SMEs from collaborating for tenders by completing this 5 minute survey:

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Business Growth Director Vacancy

Intend Business Development Ltd provides professional business development consultancy advice and training including: supporting clients to submit winning...

Vacancies at Intend

Here are details of our current vacancies. Should you be interested please send your application letter and CV to Freelance...

Ethical Working Practices

Over the years, there have been marked improvements in the way that companies are required to operate. Gone are the days when price was the only factor taken...

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