Stuart Hamilton

stuart hamilton


+44 (0)7554 153517
Tender Preparation
Business Development
Project Management
Commercial Contracts
Funding Applications

Stuart has over 40 years’ commercial experience in business development and has been responsible for preparing and submitting tenders to public sector organisations for most of that time.

In 1996, he moved into the IT sector and was actively involved in the submissions of bids on behalf of companies such as Causeway Technologies, ADP and Advanced Business Solutions. Successful bids included Northern Ireland Office, The Royal Household, Caledonian MacBrayne, Edinburgh Leisure and North Lanarkshire Council

Stuart started delivering sales, leadership and management training in 2008 and has provided mentoring services for over 5 years through Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurial Spark. In addition, he acted as a Business Accelerator Partner for Enterprise Ireland from 2012 until 2017. Services delivered through these channels included assisting small businesses and SMEs with their procurement procedures and in some cases, completion of tenders.

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