How to Maximise Your Bid Score

A great submission starts by reading all the documentation and making sure you fully understand the client’s requirements and exactly what they are looking for in each section. This will also allow you to work out how it will be evaluated by them and the marks available for each tender question. Remember that you can ask questions throughout the process and keeping an eye on activity on the portal can be really helpful.

The marking scheme considers your previous experience, past performance and technical capabilities in order to determine the quality of your bid. It is important to allocate sufficient time to plan, answer and redraft all your responses in order of priority. Ensure you supply evidenced solutions that are completely in line with the marking scheme. This is your chance to sell yourself with original content which lists your KPIs and awards in order to stand out from the competition.

When writing the answers decide on clear headings that can guide the content and be easily assessed. Breaking up text where possible with relevant tables, bullet points and diagraphs makes it easier to interpret by the reader. Your submission needs to be personalised and unique to this opportunity. Make the most of the word limits given and back up all your answers with facts in order to achieve your maximum bid score.

For our top tips and further help on maximising your bid score call us on 07808 294981.

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