Single Procurement Document (SPD)

The Single Procurement Document (SPD) – formerly known as the European Single Procurement Document – is an electronic form that suppliers interested in tendering for contracts, nationally and in Europe, are often required to complete.

If you want to supply goods, works or services to public bodies you will be required to prepare and submit one for your business. It aims to simplify the prequalification process and provides evidence that your organisation meets all the necessary criteria to proceed to the tender (ITT) stage.

In the SPD you will be asked to self-certify that you can provide all the documents, policies and financials that will be asked for at a later date – for example, membership of trade bodies, insurance, turnover, quality systems, health & safety certification. Although this is a standardised document it will need customised for each contract you bid for in order to showcase your capabilities and experiences most relevant to that particular opportunity.

The Buyer can decide which parts of the SPD questionnaire they will use so the document is not the same in every tender. Part IV of the SPD is usually scored.

Intend can help you interpret exactly what the buyer is looking for, breakdown the jargon and present your best submission yet.

To discuss your Single Procurement Document please call us on 07808 294981.

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