Working In A Consortium

If you are a small business, bidding as part of a consortium can help you to access more public sector opportunities.  Intend can help you to:

  • find and select suitable partners
  • choose the right consortium structure
  • get all the legal aspects of sorted
  • prepare joint tenders and projects

Consortium Bid

Intend Business Development is an approved consultancy on the Co-operative Development Scotland (CDS) Advisor Framework which provides free advice to SMEs on setting up and running Co-operative Consortia and submitting a consortium bid. Clerwood Legal Services is part of our team for the CDS contract, delivering qualified legal support.

Intend and Clerwood Legal developed the Tendering Together training programme which is available free of charge for SMEs in Scotland, supported by Scottish Enterprise, CDS and the Supplier Development Programme.  Check our events page for details of the programme and upcoming dates.


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