Intend’s New Team

Intend’s New Team

We are pleased to announce that we have engaged the services of 3 new consultants to help with our current projects and bring even more skills and experience to Intend. They have backgrounds in engineering, physics, human resourses and business development. To view...
Intend’s New Team

The Procurement Journey

It was launched earlier in the year. You don’t need to register and it’s free to use. The Supplier Journey includes information on such areas as: How to Use Public Contacts Scotland The ESPD Procurement Procedures Glossary of Procurement Terms Getting...
Intend’s New Team

Funding to Help Reduce Waste

This support can help businesses overcome barriers and undertake specific projects such as making raw materials savings. You will recieve free advice from an expert advisor and access to grant funding. Find out more and apply by contacting Resource Efficient Scotland...
Intend’s New Team

Data Protection Changes

The Infomation Commissioner’s Office have released an overview of the new General Data Protection Regulation that will be apllicable in May 2018. This will be of particular interest to those with day to day responsibility for data protection. Click here for more...
Intend’s New Team

Collaborate to Tender

Intend Business Deveopment along with Clerwood Legal help set up collaborative working relationships for small businesses who wish to bid, buy or market together. There is currently Scottish Enterprise funding available to develop new consortia as well as a new...
Intend’s New Team

Become a Certified Green Champion

The training is organised into small planning and practical modules that you can easily follow in order or access individually to suit your needs. For full details on this training please click...

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