Tender Audits

The first stage of a tender audit involves taking a close look at your business in order to make sure you meet all the bid criteria. Typically, you may be required to have a certain number of years trading, reach a minimum turnover level, demonstrate relevant experience, have suitable accreditations in place as well as following an established set of policies and procedures.

If these are already in place you can begin to evaluate tender opportunities you may wish to bid for. Should you have any gaps you can now plan how best to fill them and explore other ways of working with the public sector. Consider starting with a Quick Quote or working with others in order to share the workload and contractual requirements.

You may have previously produced a tender and could benefit from undertaking a tender review. Intend’s review service will efficiently highlight your company’s strengths and weaknesses. We will provide detailed feedback outlining exactly what you need to do to improve your next bid.

For help with a tender audit or review please call 07808 294981.

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