It is really important to plan ahead in order to submit your best tender. Good tender planning can make all the difference as the amount of time needed to prepare a quality bid is usually underestimated. On receipt of the documentation, you should read through it and decide whether to go ahead or not. If you wish to proceed note the deadline you are working towards as well as deciding what resources you will need. Intend can help should you need any professional input and hands-on support.
Research exactly what the buyer is looking for and think about how you can best tailor your tender response to demonstrate your capabilities. You often require contributions from a wide range of departments and will have to establish a clear plan of who will do what and when. Information asked for can include company policies, procedures, case studies, accreditations, financials, environmental credentials and social value considerations.
You are looking to create a well presented, completely customised bid offering solutions that meet the full needs of the buyer. A complete understanding of the procurement procedures, terminology and award criteria is key.
To get assistance with your tender planning and maximise your score call 07808 294981.